Fotografus.huAlapítvány a Magyar Fotográfiáért
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Jelölje be a fotográfus nyitóoldalán megjelenő képeket
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Lajos Csontó
Born in 1964. Lives and works in Budapest


1986-1990  Hungarian College of Fine Arts, Budapest
1990-1992  Scholarship at the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts
Currently a member of the Association of Hungarian Artists, the Studio of Young Artists’ , Association the Studio of Young Photographers, and the Association of Hungarian Photographers

Awards, Grants

2007  •  Munkácsy Mihály prize (hungarian state prize for fine arts) •
2006  •  Scholarship of the Budapest Gallery, Cite Internationale des Arts, Paris
2005  •  Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy in Rome
2004  •  22th National Biennale of Graphic Art – the  award of Mission Art Gallery, Miskolc
2000  •  Hincz prize, Anna Neufeld foundation award in Vác
1992-95  •  Gyula Derkovits scholarship of fine arts
1992  •  8th Esztergom Photo Biennale – the award of the Ministry of Culture
1991  •  16th National Biennale of Graphic Art – the award of the Art Foundation, Miskolc
1991  •  National Photo Biennale – the award of the Association of Hungarian Photographers, Contemporary Museum, Budapest
1993  •  Nagykôrös Graphics Exhibition - the award of the Young Artists’ Studio
1994  •  Small Graphics – the award of the Foundation for Hungarian Graphics,
               Újpest Gallery, Budapest

Selected Solo Exhibitions, since 2000

2010      •  Dropped words, Miskolci Galéria, Miskolc
2009      •  Soloshow,Viennafair,  Inda Galéria, Vienna
               •  Janco Dada Museum, Ein Hod, Izrael
2008      •  Common Denominator, Kunsthalle, Dorottya Gallery, Budapest
2007      •  Literature, Budapest Gallery, Budapest (December)
               •  Special Life–Magic Day, (with Gerhes Gábor) Miskolc Gallery, Miskolc
2006      •  Lesson, Sonja Pintér Contemporary Gallery, Budapest
               •  One Straight One Purl, Cellar Gallery, Vajda Lajos Studio, Szentendre
2005      •  Anti-material, Ferenczy Museum, Szentendre
               •  Not Yet Enough, Kunsthalle, Menüpont, project room, Budapest
2004      •  Music Is Beautiful, House of Arts, Martyn Ferenc Attic Gallery, Pécs
               •  One-two,  Vintage Gallery, Budapest
               •  For Móni, always everything, never nothing, Millenáris, Budapest
               •  Bath, Hungarian Isntitute of Sofia, Bulgaria
                  (with Andrea Huszár, Ilona Lovas and Ildikó Zsemlye)
2002      •  Restart, Vintage Gallery, BudapestŰ
2000      •  You Misunderstood Me, But That’s Your Job, French Institute, Budapest
               •  Always and Other Stories, Cellar Gallery, Vajda Lajos Studio, Szentendre
1999      •  I Understand Everything, Dad, Vintage Gallery, Budapest

Selected Group Exhibitions since 2000

2010 • Hungarian hobbies, AWA Weekend, Amsterdam  •  Nézhető és nézhetetlen, MűvészetMalom, Szentendre  •  Opensource, Magyar Intézet, Paris  •  Was once a factory, Váci Értéktár, Vác  •  Best before End, Inda Galery, Budapest  •  Relations. Who? Whom? With what?, The Deák Collection, Székesfehérvár

2009 • Blocked Disbursement, ACB Galéria, Budapest  •  A little hungarian pornography,  Modem, Debrecen  • Temporary videospace Szentendre - Videospace implant, Vajda Lajos Emlékmúzeum, Szentendre  •  Another Time – Another Place: Contemporary Hungarian Video Artists, American University Museum, Katzen Arts Center  • Rarely Seen Works,Ludwig Múzeum, Budapest  •  Selection, Kunsthalle, Paks  •  Segment, Vyom Gallery, Jaipur, India  •

2008 • Ego on the wall, Miskolc Gallery, Miskolc  •  Trespassing, Inda Gallery, Budapest • Section, Palace of Culture, Tirgu Mures, Romania  • Arbitrary Creatures -Landscape after 2000 - Collective exhibition of contemporary artists, Kunsthalle of Szombathely                  

2007 •  Section IV., Igong Gallery, Daejeon, Korea •  Bodylanguage, Modem, Debrecen •  Curators - Artists, Budapest Gallery •  100 graphics, 100 contemporary artist, Barcsay Hall, The Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest •  Seoul International Print, Photo & Edition Works Art Fair, Korea

2006 • Hungarian Contemporary Art, National Taiwan University of the Arts, Taipei Plug, Kunsthalle, Budapest • Movie-art, Inda Gallery, Budapest • Recollection, Cellar Gallery, Vajda Lajos Studio, Szentendre •  Sculptors, 2B Gallery, Budapest •  Europe–Frieze, Hungarian Academy, Moscow • Too early, or too late already, Cellar Gallery, Vajda Lajos Studio, Szentendre  •  Code, ArtMill, Szentendre  •  Roma in miniatura, Hungarian Academy, Rome • Narrative, King St. Stephen Museum, Székesfehérvár

2005 • Portfolio, Stúdió Galéria, Budapest  •  Plug, Kunsthalle, Budapest  • The exhibition of the Szárhegy art workshop, Lázár Castle, Gyergyószárhegy •  Let’s Stop For a Word, MissionArt Gallery, Miskolc  •  Neophoton, Szentendre, MűvészetMalom

2004 • 22th National Biennale of Graphic Art, Miskolc Gallery, Miskolc  •  Uninhibited Cleanness, Special Uncertainty, Cellar Gallery, Vajda Lajos Studio, Szentendre •  Reflex-stimulus (the exhibition of András Bozsó, Lajos Csontó, Gábor Gerhes, István Halas, László Haris, Antal Jokesz), Kunsthalle, Budapest • Contemporary Hungarian Photo, Pécs Gallery, Pécs

2003  •  Lipstick, Szombathely Gallery, Szombathely 

2001  •  Climate, Kunsthalle, Budapest • 20th National Biennale of Graphic Art, Miskolc Gallery, Miskolc •

Works in Public Collections

Antal–Lusztig Collection, Modem, Debrecen •  Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest •  Miskolc Gallery, Miskolc •  Institute of Contemporary Art – ICA, Dunaújváros •  Paks Gallery, Paks •  Directorate of Pest County Museums - Ferenczy Museum, Szentendre


2007 • Antal Jokesz, Fotóművészet, 2008/2

2007 • Gábor Pataki, Preasens, 2006/4 sz. • Mária Molnár, Gábor Pataki: Best and worst, Új Művészet, February • Noémi Szabó: Groove of Cinema, Új Művészet, January

2006 • Erika Baglyas: The importance of Scores, Balkon, 12 sz. • Barbara Nagy, interview, Edge of the Blade, Műértô, december • Rudolf Pacsika: exhibition of Lajos Csontó, Pictures of City, May • Andrea Bordács: The permanence of change, : exhibition of Lajos Csontó,  Új Művészet, January

2005  •  Zsolt Kishonty: Let’s Stop for a Word!, Élet és Irodalom, 49 évf. 34. sz.•  Edit András: Virtual Diary,Új Művészet, February

2004  •  Erika Baglyas: ALL IS ONE, I’m writing this knowing his pictures, and you read this knowing his pictures - Lajos Csontó’s works. Balkon, 2004. November  •  Antal Jokesz: One-Two– Beware, We’re Cheating!, Csontó-pictures at the Vintage Gallery. Új Művészet, 2004. November  •  István Bodóczky: Beware, It’s a Trick ! Műértô, 2004. issue 10 •  Attila Horányi:  We Have Become the Victims of an Illusion. Műértô, 2004 February •  István Hajdú: I Wish You Well, Mónika!, Magyar Narancs 2004, February 12.  •  Anikó Erdôsi: MédiaGyár – MediaFactory, Balkon May 2004 •  Edit András: The Shell of Oblivion Has Cracked, Praesens, 2004/1  •  Andrea Bordács: - József Készman: MediaFactory.  • International Meeting of Contemporary Art„ Praesens, 2004-2  •  Szemle, Miklós Fejős: The new purchases of the Gallery, Echo, July, issue 3.

2003  •  Károly Szűcs: Self-reflection, Balkon, August 2003 •  János Sturcz: Postmodern Strategies in Contemporary Hungarian Fine Art 1970-2002. PhD thesis.  •  black &decker: Photographers in Pair, Balkon, August 2003 • László Lugosi Lugo: Brave New World, Élet és irodalom, vol. 47, issue 27 •  Hedvig Turai: Local Time, Moszkva tér / Gravity , Balkon, 08  •  Károly Szűcs: False Fidelity, the exhibition of  Document 5, Balkon  •  Ágnes Kappéter: Photo-Shock in Pécs, Contemporary Hungarian Photography, 2003, Echo, October 2003, issue 3-4

2002  •  Orsolya Merhán: Exhibition Guide, Műértô  •  Lajos Lóska: The Whole World is a Comupter, Computer Traces in Hungarian Graphic Art, Új Forrás- 2002, issue 9

2001  •  Attila Horányi: Lettre–Face+Image Magyar Lettre 2001, Summer, issue 41 •  Anikó Erdôsi: Young Artist at the Műcsarnokban. Balkon, 2001 10.  •  black &decker: You Have Become the Victim of an Illusion, Exindex, September 17, 2001

2000  •  Katalin Aknai: And Yet and Still Not. Exsymposium, 2000/32  •  Katalin Szász: Shop Window – Strategies of Photographers, Műértô, 2000.  •  Károly Szücs: Photographs from the End of the Millennium. Balkon, 2000, issue 07-08

1997  •  Gábor Andrási: Beyond Modernism. A New Generation and Perspective in the Hungarian Art of the 90s. Introduction to the catalogue of the Hungarian Pavilion at the 49th Venice Biennale •  Tibor Várnagy:  Introduction (exhibition catalogue). The exhibition of Lajos Csontó and Tibor Szűcs, Bolt Gallery

1996  •  László Beke: The Recent Past and Present of Progressive Hungarian Photo, Imago Winter, 1996/97 No. 3.  •  Zsuzsa Dárdai: Mediawave, Fotó, 1996/97

1995   •  József Gaál: The Taming of Photography,  Bányai-Csontó-Szűcs,  Élet és Irodalom February 17, 1995, p. 18.  •  Lajos Szakolczay: Variations on the Saturation of Sentiments in Picturesque Parlance. Studio Gallery, Lajos Csontó, Magyarország, February 10, 2004  •  Lajos Lóska: The Art of Imprints. Élet és Irodalom, May 5, 1995  •  István Sinkó: The Tamed Hard Edge. Új Művészet, October 1995 •  József Bárdosi:  Monászok II. (introduction to the catalogue). Tragor Ignác Museum, Vác  •  Gábor Andor Tooth: Lajos Csontó. Magyar Narancs, December 2, 1995  •  Bálint Chikán: Lajos Csontó. Studio Gallery, Balkon, January 1995
