Fotografus.huAlapítvány a Magyar Fotográfiáért
'),l(t('Photographers'), 'fotografusok'), l($node->title,'node/'.$node->nid))); //drupal_add_css(path_to_theme().'/page-portfolio-kep-popup.css'); //drupal_add_js('misc/image_popup.js'); $_SESSION['photographer'] = $node->title; if ($_GET['set_frontpage_pictures'] && $user->uid){ if ($_POST){ $trans_node = translation_node_get_translations(array('nid'=>$_POST['photographer_id']), FALSE); if ($trans_node['en']){ $trans_node = $trans_node['en']; }else{ $trans_node = $trans_node['hu']; } db_query("DELETE FROM {photographers_frontpage_images} WHERE photographer_id=%d", $_POST['photographer_id']); if ($trans_node->nid){ db_query("DELETE FROM {photographers_frontpage_images} WHERE photographer_id=%d", $trans_node->nid); } for ($i=0; $i$tmp[1]), FALSE); if ($trans_image_nid['en']){ $trans_image_nid = $trans_image_nid['en']; }else{ $trans_image_nid = $trans_image_nid['hu']; } if ($trans_node->nid && $trans_image_nid->nid){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM {files} WHERE fid=%d"; $res = db_query($sql, $tmp[0]); $row = db_fetch_object($res); $sql = "SELECT * FROM {files} WHERE filepath='%s' AND nid=%d"; $res = db_query($sql, $row->filepath, $trans_image_nid->nid); $row = db_fetch_object($res); db_query("INSERT INTO {photographers_frontpage_images} (photographer_id,image_id,weight,image_nid) VALUES (%d,%d,%d,%d)", $trans_node->nid, $row->fid, $i, $trans_image_nid->nid); } } drupal_set_message('Beállítások sikeresen elmentve.'); } $portfolios = nodehierarchy_get_descendant_list(arg(1)); for ($i=0; $i < count($portfolios); $i++){ $portfolios[$i] = 'cfpi.nid='.$portfolios[$i]; } $where = implode(' OR ', $portfolios); if ($where){ $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM {content_field_portfolio_image} AS cfpi, {files} AS f WHERE ($where) AND f.fid=cfpi.field_portfolio_image_fid"); while ($row = db_fetch_object($res)){ $res2 = db_query("SELECT * FROM {photographers_frontpage_images} WHERE image_id=%d", $row->fid); db_num_rows($res2) ? $checked = ' CHECKED ' : $checked = ''; $pictures_html .= '
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Jelölje be a fotográfus nyitóoldalán megjelenő képeket
nid); //Legfrisebb képek //$pictures = get_latest_pictures($portfolios['childs']); //Kiemeltnek beállított képek /* $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM {photographers_frontpage_images} AS pfi, {content_field_portfolio_image} AS cfpi, {files} AS f, {image_dimensions} AS idim WHERE pfi.photographer_id = %d AND cfpi.nid = pfi.image_nid AND cfpi.field_portfolio_image_fid = pfi.image_id AND f.fid = cfpi.field_portfolio_image_fid AND idim.fid = cfpi.field_portfolio_image_fid ORDER BY pfi.weight", arg(1)); */ $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM {photographers_frontpage_images} AS pfi, {content_field_portfolio_image} AS cfpi WHERE pfi.photographer_id = %d AND cfpi.nid = pfi.image_nid AND cfpi.field_portfolio_image_fid = pfi.image_id ORDER BY pfi.weight", arg(1)); while ($row0 = db_fetch_object($res)){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM {files} AS f, {image_dimensions} AS idim WHERE f.fid=%d AND idim.fid=f.fid"; $res0 = db_query($sql, $row0->field_portfolio_image_fid); $row = db_fetch_object($res0); $row->width > $row->height ? $imagecache_preset = 'w100' : $imagecache_preset = 'h100'; if ($row->width > $row->height){ $row->spec_flag ? $imagecache_preset = 'w_spec100' : $imagecache_preset = 'w100'; }else{ $row->spec_flag ? $imagecache_preset = 'h_spec100' : $imagecache_preset = 'h100'; } $padding_left = round((100 - ($row->tn_width)) / 2); $padding_top = round((100 - ($row->tn_height))); if ($user->uid && $_GET['change_order']){ $pictures_html .= '
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Gábor Sióréti

After graduating as an electrical engineer he studied at Hungarian Television and became an assistant cinematographer. After that he studied in Szellemkép Szabadiskola (a school of photography)and graduated as a photographer.
Between 1996 and 2000 he worked for different magazines as a freelance photographer, made reports and portraits at home and abroad.
Since 1997 he has been a contributor to Magyar Narancs (a Hungarian weekly).
Since 2003 he has been the Photo Editor at Magyar Narancs.
He has taught in Szellemkép Szabadiskola.
In 2008 he was in charge of a course at, a college for photographers,
Since 2007 he has been a teacher at Photopress College.
Since 2000 he has been a member of FFS (the Association of Young Photographers), since 2001 a member of Internet Gallery.
In 2007 he earned a scholarship from the National Cultural Foundation.
In 2009 he won a competition held by the National Cultural Foundation.
In 2011 his photo album, X-ray of a City is published.


FFS Documentary photo series, The House of Hungarian Photographers, Budapest
Vista Gallery, Budapest
West End Gallery, West End City Centre, Budapest
DOKK exhibition, organised by the Photographers Foundation, 
Mag House, Budapest
Photographic Art of Our Time, a project and exhibition
organised by ARC and the Lumen Foundation
Millenáris park, Budapest
Interphoto Festival, Moscow
The representative exhibition of Magyar Narancs, Szeged
Russian cronicle with Hungarian eyes, House of Photographers, Budapest
Exhibition in the month of photography, Eklektika Coffee House, Budapest
Masters and Students, Hungarian Cultural Institute, Prague


Prize from FFS, documentary and report photography
2nd prize of the photo exhibition, West End Gallery, Budapest
Scholarship of the National Cultural Foundation
National Cultural Institute, to support the publishing of an


On Duna Television, in a program about Sziget-A photography
Interview at the representative photo exhibition of Magyar

Gábor Sióréti
Photo editor
Magyar Narancs weekly
