Fotografus.huAlapítvány a Magyar Fotográfiáért
'),l(t('Photographers'), 'fotografusok'), l($node->title,'node/'.$node->nid))); //drupal_add_css(path_to_theme().'/page-portfolio-kep-popup.css'); //drupal_add_js('misc/image_popup.js'); $_SESSION['photographer'] = $node->title; if ($_GET['set_frontpage_pictures'] && $user->uid){ if ($_POST){ $trans_node = translation_node_get_translations(array('nid'=>$_POST['photographer_id']), FALSE); if ($trans_node['en']){ $trans_node = $trans_node['en']; }else{ $trans_node = $trans_node['hu']; } db_query("DELETE FROM {photographers_frontpage_images} WHERE photographer_id=%d", $_POST['photographer_id']); if ($trans_node->nid){ db_query("DELETE FROM {photographers_frontpage_images} WHERE photographer_id=%d", $trans_node->nid); } for ($i=0; $i$tmp[1]), FALSE); if ($trans_image_nid['en']){ $trans_image_nid = $trans_image_nid['en']; }else{ $trans_image_nid = $trans_image_nid['hu']; } if ($trans_node->nid && $trans_image_nid->nid){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM {files} WHERE fid=%d"; $res = db_query($sql, $tmp[0]); $row = db_fetch_object($res); $sql = "SELECT * FROM {files} WHERE filepath='%s' AND nid=%d"; $res = db_query($sql, $row->filepath, $trans_image_nid->nid); $row = db_fetch_object($res); db_query("INSERT INTO {photographers_frontpage_images} (photographer_id,image_id,weight,image_nid) VALUES (%d,%d,%d,%d)", $trans_node->nid, $row->fid, $i, $trans_image_nid->nid); } } drupal_set_message('Beállítások sikeresen elmentve.'); } $portfolios = nodehierarchy_get_descendant_list(arg(1)); for ($i=0; $i < count($portfolios); $i++){ $portfolios[$i] = 'cfpi.nid='.$portfolios[$i]; } $where = implode(' OR ', $portfolios); if ($where){ $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM {content_field_portfolio_image} AS cfpi, {files} AS f WHERE ($where) AND f.fid=cfpi.field_portfolio_image_fid"); while ($row = db_fetch_object($res)){ $res2 = db_query("SELECT * FROM {photographers_frontpage_images} WHERE image_id=%d", $row->fid); db_num_rows($res2) ? $checked = ' CHECKED ' : $checked = ''; $pictures_html .= '
'; } }else{ print 'A fotográfusnak nincsenek még portfóliói.'; } ?>
Jelölje be a fotográfus nyitóoldalán megjelenő képeket
nid); //Legfrisebb képek //$pictures = get_latest_pictures($portfolios['childs']); //Kiemeltnek beállított képek /* $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM {photographers_frontpage_images} AS pfi, {content_field_portfolio_image} AS cfpi, {files} AS f, {image_dimensions} AS idim WHERE pfi.photographer_id = %d AND cfpi.nid = pfi.image_nid AND cfpi.field_portfolio_image_fid = pfi.image_id AND f.fid = cfpi.field_portfolio_image_fid AND idim.fid = cfpi.field_portfolio_image_fid ORDER BY pfi.weight", arg(1)); */ $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM {photographers_frontpage_images} AS pfi, {content_field_portfolio_image} AS cfpi WHERE pfi.photographer_id = %d AND cfpi.nid = pfi.image_nid AND cfpi.field_portfolio_image_fid = pfi.image_id ORDER BY pfi.weight", arg(1)); while ($row0 = db_fetch_object($res)){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM {files} AS f, {image_dimensions} AS idim WHERE f.fid=%d AND idim.fid=f.fid"; $res0 = db_query($sql, $row0->field_portfolio_image_fid); $row = db_fetch_object($res0); $row->width > $row->height ? $imagecache_preset = 'w100' : $imagecache_preset = 'h100'; if ($row->width > $row->height){ $row->spec_flag ? $imagecache_preset = 'w_spec100' : $imagecache_preset = 'w100'; }else{ $row->spec_flag ? $imagecache_preset = 'h_spec100' : $imagecache_preset = 'h100'; } $padding_left = round((100 - ($row->tn_width)) / 2); $padding_top = round((100 - ($row->tn_height))); if ($user->uid && $_GET['change_order']){ $pictures_html .= '
'; }else{ /* $pictures_html .= ''; */ $pictures_html .= ''; } } //Első portfólió képei //$pictures = get_portfolio_pictures($portfolios['top_portfolios'][0]['nid']); $div_height = (round((db_num_rows($res) / 4)) * 100) + (round((db_num_rows($res) / 4)) * 23 ); //drupal_add_js('misc/thickbox.js'); //drupal_add_css('misc/thickbox.css'); if ($user->uid && $_GET['change_order']) admin_sort_portfolio_images_photographer(); ?>


Ábel Szalontai
1972, Budapest

Education and Training

• Doktor of Liberal Arts course in Photography, MOME, 2005-present

• Hungarian University of Art and Design, Master of Fine Arts In Visual Communication and Photography, 1998

• Study Trip, Dublin, Ireland, 1996

• Fine Art University in Hungary, courses in Intermedia, 1995

Professional Experience

• Head of Photography, MOME (Moholy Nagy University of Art and Design), 2006-present
• Assistant Professor of Photography, MOME (Moholy Nagy University of Art and Design), 2002-present

• Lecturer, Foundation for Hungarian Photography,, 2005-2006

• Freelance photographer- fulfilled a variety of commissions to such clients among others as Audi, Volkswagen, Zwack, OTP, Pannon GSM, DHL Magyarorszag, Matav Communications, Hamu es Gyemant Monthly, Bor es Piac Monthly, Ter es Rend Monthly, Hungarian Sailing Association


2010 Luxembourg, Photomeetings

2009 Paris, ESAG Penninghen

2009 Luxembourg, Photomeetings, Taboo workshop

2008 Bolzano, Free Univerity of Bolzano

2005 Athen, Athen School of Fine Arts


Pictures of the Year, Life Magazine, 2010

Hungarian Natinal Cultural Found, grant 2007

Andre Malraux scholarship, Nancy, France, 2004

Hungarian Photo Journalism Award, Portrait Category, Third place, 2002

Pecsi Jozsef, Photography Scholarship 1997, 1998

Images of Europe, International Contest, Third Place 1996

Publications and Reviews

Fotomuveszet Quarterly 2010/ 2

Year of Hudec in Shanghai,, 2008

Krónika,, 2008 
Prodesign Monthly 2007

Fotomuveszet Quarterly 2003
Ter es Rend Monthly 2001

Fotoriporter Quarterly 1999
Fotomuveszet Quarterly 1998/3-4

Fotomuveszet Quarterly 1997/5-6

Selected Solo Exhibitions

2009 Budapest, Ponton Gallery, “Letters”

2007 Constanta,The Fish Gallery

2007 Budapest, Fiatal Iparművészek Stúdió Galériája

2005 Budapest, Geothe intézet- Eckermann kávézó

2001, 2002 Budapest, Artus galéria

1999 Budapest, Dorottya galéria

Selected Group Exhibitions

Photomeetings Luxembourg, Galerie Clairefontaine, 2010

Photomeetings Luxembourg, Galerie Clairefontaine, 2009

Contenporary Hungarian Photography, Pécs, Hungary 2007

“Photo Month in Krakow” Hungarian Centre, Krakow, Poland 2006

“F4” Ponton Gallery, Budapest, Hungary 2004

Andre Malraux Center, Nancy, France 2004

Millenaris Park, Budapest, Hungary 2003
Beszterce, Romania 2003

Kezdivasarhely, Romania 2003
Dokk, Budapest, Hungary 2003

Beszterce, Romania 2002

Master Thesis Exhibit, Budapest, Hungary 1998
