Fotografus.huAlapítvány a Magyar Fotográfiáért
'),l(t('Photographers'), 'fotografusok'), l($node->title,'node/'.$node->nid))); //drupal_add_css(path_to_theme().'/page-portfolio-kep-popup.css'); //drupal_add_js('misc/image_popup.js'); $_SESSION['photographer'] = $node->title; if ($_GET['set_frontpage_pictures'] && $user->uid){ if ($_POST){ $trans_node = translation_node_get_translations(array('nid'=>$_POST['photographer_id']), FALSE); if ($trans_node['en']){ $trans_node = $trans_node['en']; }else{ $trans_node = $trans_node['hu']; } db_query("DELETE FROM {photographers_frontpage_images} WHERE photographer_id=%d", $_POST['photographer_id']); if ($trans_node->nid){ db_query("DELETE FROM {photographers_frontpage_images} WHERE photographer_id=%d", $trans_node->nid); } for ($i=0; $i$tmp[1]), FALSE); if ($trans_image_nid['en']){ $trans_image_nid = $trans_image_nid['en']; }else{ $trans_image_nid = $trans_image_nid['hu']; } if ($trans_node->nid && $trans_image_nid->nid){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM {files} WHERE fid=%d"; $res = db_query($sql, $tmp[0]); $row = db_fetch_object($res); $sql = "SELECT * FROM {files} WHERE filepath='%s' AND nid=%d"; $res = db_query($sql, $row->filepath, $trans_image_nid->nid); $row = db_fetch_object($res); db_query("INSERT INTO {photographers_frontpage_images} (photographer_id,image_id,weight,image_nid) VALUES (%d,%d,%d,%d)", $trans_node->nid, $row->fid, $i, $trans_image_nid->nid); } } drupal_set_message('Beállítások sikeresen elmentve.'); } $portfolios = nodehierarchy_get_descendant_list(arg(1)); for ($i=0; $i < count($portfolios); $i++){ $portfolios[$i] = 'cfpi.nid='.$portfolios[$i]; } $where = implode(' OR ', $portfolios); if ($where){ $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM {content_field_portfolio_image} AS cfpi, {files} AS f WHERE ($where) AND f.fid=cfpi.field_portfolio_image_fid"); while ($row = db_fetch_object($res)){ $res2 = db_query("SELECT * FROM {photographers_frontpage_images} WHERE image_id=%d", $row->fid); db_num_rows($res2) ? $checked = ' CHECKED ' : $checked = ''; $pictures_html .= '
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Jelölje be a fotográfus nyitóoldalán megjelenő képeket
nid); //Legfrisebb képek //$pictures = get_latest_pictures($portfolios['childs']); //Kiemeltnek beállított képek /* $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM {photographers_frontpage_images} AS pfi, {content_field_portfolio_image} AS cfpi, {files} AS f, {image_dimensions} AS idim WHERE pfi.photographer_id = %d AND cfpi.nid = pfi.image_nid AND cfpi.field_portfolio_image_fid = pfi.image_id AND f.fid = cfpi.field_portfolio_image_fid AND idim.fid = cfpi.field_portfolio_image_fid ORDER BY pfi.weight", arg(1)); */ $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM {photographers_frontpage_images} AS pfi, {content_field_portfolio_image} AS cfpi WHERE pfi.photographer_id = %d AND cfpi.nid = pfi.image_nid AND cfpi.field_portfolio_image_fid = pfi.image_id ORDER BY pfi.weight", arg(1)); while ($row0 = db_fetch_object($res)){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM {files} AS f, {image_dimensions} AS idim WHERE f.fid=%d AND idim.fid=f.fid"; $res0 = db_query($sql, $row0->field_portfolio_image_fid); $row = db_fetch_object($res0); $row->width > $row->height ? $imagecache_preset = 'w100' : $imagecache_preset = 'h100'; if ($row->width > $row->height){ $row->spec_flag ? $imagecache_preset = 'w_spec100' : $imagecache_preset = 'w100'; }else{ $row->spec_flag ? $imagecache_preset = 'h_spec100' : $imagecache_preset = 'h100'; } $padding_left = round((100 - ($row->tn_width)) / 2); $padding_top = round((100 - ($row->tn_height))); if ($user->uid && $_GET['change_order']){ $pictures_html .= '
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Anna Fabricius (1980)

address: H-1028 Budapest, Kossuth Lajos utca 14.


2008: Moholy-Nagy University of Arts, DLA scholarship
2003: Glasgow School of Art, Scotland, scholarship
2002: Ioan Andrescu Art University, Cluj - Napoca, Romania, scholarship
2000-2005 Hungarian University of Arts and Design, photo department, Budapest


2008: BACKLIGHT’08, Galerie FLUSS, Wolkersdorf, Austria
2008: Stalking Utopia, Institute of Contemporary Art, Dunaújváros (HU)
2008: Men at Work, Dom Fotografie, Liptovsky Mikulas, Slovakia
2008: Zeitgenössische Fotokunst aus Ungarn, Galerie der Stadt Sindelfingen
2008: Zeitgenössische Fotokunst aus Ungarn, Hallescher Kunstverein
2008: Zeitgenössische Fotokunst aus Ungarn , Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin
2007: Imaginary Paradise, IMPEX, Budapest
2007: Exibition with Elek Judit, Kudasz Gabor Arion, Vintage Gallery, Budapest
2007: Lodz Photosensitive Space, Lodz Art Center, Poland
2007: Pecsi Jozsef Photography Award, Hungarian House of Photography, Budapest
2007: Contemporary Fineartist from Hungary, Art Center, Moscow
2006: Photomatrix, Collegium Hungaricum, Austria
2006: Pseudo Documents, Vizivárosi Gallery, Budapest
2006: I Image, Bratislava, Slovakia
2006: Privat matter?, Kunsthalle, Budapest 
2005: Fieldworks, Irokéz Gallery, Szombathely
2005: I-Image, Dorottya Gallery, Budapest
2004: Dokumentum6, Photomonth 2004, Hungarian House of Photography, Budapest


2007: Hungarian Standard, Lodz Photofestival, Poland
2007: Get a new for Homo Sapiens!, Hungarian Institue of Prague, Czech Republic, 
          (with Tibor Gyenis)
2006: Saints and Tigers, Galeria Ostrava, Czech Republic
2006: Tigress of Housekeeping, Körút Festival, Budapest
2005: Cavalrymen and Equestrienes, Lumen Gallery, Budapest


2008: MOME  DLA scolarship
2008: BACKLIGHT’08, International Photodialogue – speaker, Museum Quartier, Wien
2008: Men at Work,  International Photogarphy conference – speaker, Liptovsky Mikulas
2007: Lodz Photosensitive Space, residence programme, invited artist
2007: Thessaloniki International Photobiennale Awards, finalist
2005-07: Pécsi József Photography scholarship
2006: Budapest Gallery Scholarhip, Gallery Gjutars, Helsinki, Finland
2006: Sittcomm Award, finalist
2004: Member of the organizers of the Young Photographers Studio

PUBLIVATIONS (selection)

- Új Művészet 2008 November XIX. year 11th issue
Jokesz Antal: „Van-e élet a fotó után?“ 33th page
- Új Művészet 2007 June XVIII. year 6th issue
Bordács Andrea: “Ami a családi fényképalbumból kimaradt” 10th page
- Új Művészet 2007 May XVIII. year 5th issue
Somogyi Zsófia: “Találd meg a különbséget a négy kép között!” 22th page
- Új Művészet 2006 October XVII. year 10th issue
Bán András: “ Köveket vinni a szigetre” 40th pages
- PRAESENS 2005/3
Horányi Attila: “ Kipipált feladat, kihagyott lehetőség” 42-43rd page   
- FOTOGRAFIA 2006 winter, Polish Contemporary Photography magazine
- IMAGO 2007 autumn, Middle-European Photography magazine
- IMAGO 2006, spring Middle-European Photography magazine
- VISION 2007 February, 1st Chinese Art magazine, 222-225th page
